Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Does the JEP print all letters to the editor?

This is a letter that has been forwarded to me, I have removed the sender's name and address although I have it and had they printed this letter, it would have also been printed. Looks like the answer to my question is no they do not! When the letter below did not appear in the JEP, the author phoned to ask why it had not been printed. The answer was along the lines of 'we have more newsworthy stories'.

22nd November 2009

The Editor

Jersey Evening Post

Guiton House

Five Oaks

St. Saviour


Dear Sir

The recent headlines

Boy in Care after beating

The Report went on to state a beating by his step father in April 2008.

Perhaps a further report mentioning that the conviction has since been quashed regarding his clipping the boy around the ear – who knows an apology by the JEP for the disgraceful headline and reporting would not go a miss.

Also the authorities concerned could learn from this they could have used more common sense and understanding where a verbal caution was sufficient instead of wasting tax payer’s money to bring this matter to court.

Yours faithfully


voiceforchildren said...

One Day.

I am aware of this story and I believe not only have the authority's acted disgracefuly but the JEP's reporting of it was just as bad.

Perhaps you should educate the author as to how the JEP operates and if the author wants letters published then he/she should send them to a Blog, Jersey's fastest growing news source.

TonyTheProf said...

No the JEP does not print all letters to the editor.

What is even odder was when Christine Herberts opinion on bloggers, and the reply in a letter were printed in the paper edition, but somehow never made it to the online edition!

One Day said...

Tony - I missed Christine Herberts' opinion and the letter, is there any way of putting it on the internet?

One Day said...

Hi VFC - the JEP seem to prefer to keep my husband branded as a child abuser rather than telling the truth. If they also care to look back on their publications they are also in contempt of court for naming him, and trying to influence further court cases by using the term beating, which throughout this whole ordeal is a term that has never been used except by the JEP. However I believe their real reason for this is in light of the AG's statement of July 09 where it states being slapped about the head is no case for the criminal courts - when talking about why the real child abusers are not being prosecuted. They could hardly use their original headline of 'clip round the ear man' now could they?

David Rotherham said...

They do not, nor do they suggest that they would. Papers only print a selection of letters sent for publication.
A small local paper will get fewer letters than a national, and so be able to print a larger proportion, but there is no promise to publish, neither explicit nor implicit.
One of the best USPs of the internet is that virtually all submissions can be published online, but even then, it is usual to moderate comments to weed out unfit stuff, as you do yourself.

One Day said...

Thanks David for your comment - From a personal viewpoint to date I have only not published comments with other people's personal contact details and once someone asked me to remove their post for fear they would be identified, which I of course did. However it appears the JEP does this to manipulate their readers, they have my name and number and I am still waiting!