Thursday, 18 December 2008


This I find an interesting word, I have been accused of this, my husband has been accused of this and ironically so has my kidnapped son. I hear you asking what have you all been minimising - well the incident of course, silly. Now let me think, if the incident in question is not a big deal for all of us, why are they maximising the issue? Simple, refer back to my first post and you will see the answer - to cover up their illegal behaviour. Ironically they have chalked up around 6 criminal charges and a couple of civil cases. I think I would like to invite Themis and Nemesis to hold the court. I am a great believer in truth, I find it frustrating being lied to and about, it is amazing what people can say about you when they have never met you. What right have they to judge you on their biased, paid for thoughts. Never believe in the independancy of people, the only ones you can trust in a case like this is your family and friends and of course yourself. Treat them as an enemy and keep them far away, this is the time not to go along with the saying 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'.

Here is my hypothetical quote of the week - if he's not allowed to go home he will rebel, but it is ok, in time this will pass.

I wonder if French Economist Claude-Frederic Bastiat (1801-50) ever thought how poignant his quote would be in the future -

'Once an abuse exists, everything is arranged on the assumption that it will last indefinitely; and, as more and more people come to depend upon it for their livelihood, and still others depend on them, a superstructure is errected that soon comprises a formidable ediface'.

Now think about this 16 years ago there may have been a couple of speech therapists for children at the hospital, now i would say it is a considerably higher number with their own department as well. You may have a child having difficulty with saying one word, but don't worry they will whisk them up the new department - don't forget they have to justify their jobs and if no children were referred, they would have no job. I think it's called job creation, creating a non existent problem and then the tax payers can pay for the solution. I have always been of the opinion that the majority of toddlers do not form and speak words fluently.

Has anyone any views on the management of Health and Social Services, what improvements could be made for users of the service, perhaps a list of recommendations could be compiled to send to them......

Friday, 12 December 2008

My advice so far....

If you really have not done anything wrong, then never ever say you have. Lets face it why should you. Do not give in to daily bullying, covert threats and intimidation. One day it will end. If you agree to certain 'parameters' they set, such as parenting classes you are inadvertently saying 'hey, i'm an awful parent who needs help' whereas you should be saying 'my parenting skills are fine thank you'. The promise that you will then get your child back will fall through.

Never be rude otherwise you will be deemed as having some kind of personality disorder. However I believe I should not be accused of having any type of personality disorder or any other psychological disorder. My fear of the Social Services is extremely well founded. Had my next door neighbour committed the acts that 'come in No 1 you're sacked' has then I'm sure they would be facing a stint behind bars not enjoying protection from the States. Both my neighbour and 'come in No 1 you're sacked' would have the same legal rights in this case - none.

Health and Social Services - the service we should be proud of, is failing catastrophically in many areas. This is the service dealing with the most precious things in life - people. Without people, material things would be worth nothing, a tree would not care if it had the latest Mercedes or a battered Fiat next to it - so why should we? There is no excuse for the unnecessary destruction of a family. I am begining to think they may have the aim of the New World Order which includes the dissolution of family life, and one nice big happy Government. That's a thought, the financial markets going down, banks etc - Government takeovers - next smaller Governments fall - Government takeovers and after a few more chain reaction take-overs, hey presto - One Government!

So a few tips of advice just incase you ever are unfortunate enough to need them:

Never let them in the door without showing you (and you reading it) a warrant, and put a chain on your door if you have not already got one. If they try and force it open without a warrant, it is a criminal offence.

If you have done nothing wrong never admit to something you have not done (they can try and trick you into this one).

If they have your children already with no care order and there are no restrictions on you imposed by the police etc, go and get them.

Do not believe what they tell you, they can be proved to lie to get the results they want. This reminds me of the film Matilda, with Miss Trunchable saying 'I'm right, you're wrong, and there's nothing you can do about it'.

Remember do not give them the box of bullets to shoot you with - metaphorically speaking of course.

I'll add to the advice as I continue this blog. A close friend of mine had been put in the sitution of being too frightened to call the police because of the intimidation from the SS when she was with her husband and reported him for assault. She's agreed to share her experience and I will do a separate post for her at a later date, but I will say that instead of helping they made her feel like a victim all over again.

This week has been odd for me, getting Christmas things sorted, which in this house is like a small military operation, the sadness of a part of us not here, and yet the elation of accepting my BSc (hons), after 7 years of study is clouded by my family been kept apart by the SS.

Sunday, 7 December 2008

My log of the 7th - 9th April 2008

Monday 7th April

**** and **** had no clothes all weekend and were still in school uniform. (was informed by my daughter)
10.00 my husband was in court. Bailed with restrictions to stay at my mother’s house and not be allowed to the family home.
14.40 my husband and I attended Maison Le Pape to see *****.
After discussion with ***** we left with the impression that the children were coming home soon. She promised that she would bring ***** and **** home in the morning before 11.30 as she had a meeting at 12.00.
15.40 we left Maison Le Pape

Tuesday 8th April

Waited for promised phone call and children till 11.30. By this stage I was completely distraught. No call received.
Phoned 11.35 to ask when the children would come home. Was told ‘oh sorry we have now got to wait to see if you are being charged with wilful neglect’. yet again I could not believe what I was hearing.
I then informed her in no uncertain terms that they had no right to keep my children.

Wednesday 9th April

One hour supervised visit allowed with ****, no ***** with (come in no 1 you’re sacked). On seeing **** I gave him a hug, he was filthy, stunk and was in a fearful state. Seeing him like this made me extremely upset.
Asked if I would be able to cook tea for *****, I said of course I could.
***** was not allowed to stay at home. I was crying as she wrenched him away from me which left me in a state of collapse.

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Here is a few tips I have found for any budding social workers out there!

'Rules for certain British Social Workers'

by Ian Josephs at

If you want to become a British Social Worker, and work in

our children's departments, 'you have to obey the following rules'

Please note:- Kind, genuine, caring, honest people need not apply

1. If you yourself have an unhappy or non-existent family life you are an ideal candidate to become a social worker. When you get used to breaking up other people's families and taking their children you will forget your own troubles and it will make you feel great. Remember however, that if you come across a really brutal family where a child is being cruelly abused (like little Victoria Climbié), just clear out in a hurry and leave them alone. Don't worry, no-one will expect you to risk your own safety.

2. If mothers or fathers come to you for help, pretend to sympathise, as the Children's Act itself says "befriend them". Then if they have just one difficult child, or a low IQ, go to one of our friendly family courts and get an emergency protection order without telling the parents, and you can go and get their children off them. It's so easy to take children from the families naive enough to go to us for help. What do they know anyway, they don't have our qualifications in sociology.

3. Go out now and collect as many babies as you can. Dig up some irrelevant fault in the parents past and the court will almost always give you an emergency protection order when a new baby is born. This means you can actually go to the hospital shortly after birth and snatch the new-born from the mothers arms. These mothers then are mostly condemned for life to produce babies for us themselves!! That will teach them to try and resist our plans!! Years ago we used to bully unmarried mothers into giving up babies in their thousands, but now that being a single parent seems respectable we unfortunately have to trawl round to find the mothers we can accuse of neglect even if we have to manufacture the evidence ourselves. It is all part of the job!!

4. Some parents will dare to oppose the care order or worse still refuse to sign adoption papers. Show no mercy to them. Encourage your expert barrister to demolish the character of any parent/s opposing you. The court will be in secret, so if parents complain to the press or to the public about any so-called injustice, they will be sent to prison for contempt. Freeing orders are so easy to obtain. We have got it all completely sewn up! Their legal aid lawyers usually agree to everything we say. They usually instruct the parent/s to allow their children to be taken and tell them to "jump through hoops" for us. Yes....It's true....most actually help us.

5. Once we get the children we brainwash them into saying unpleasant things about their parents on video, then we gradually reduce all contact with the families so we can finally get the youngest adopted and the others in long term foster care, hopefully for the full duration of their childhood. Murderers in H.M. prisons are allowed to phone home to their families, but that is not how we work in the S.S. !! We FORBID all kids in our "tender care" to make or receive telephone calls. They may tell their parents they want to come home, which will spoil our plans. Once we have legal control, we can gradually destroy their so called families by keeping parental control to the absolute minimum, and then eventually stop it all together. This way kids soon forget their families and settle into our rather special routine!

6. Are you sad that witchcraft trials finished 200 years ago? Never mind, we revived it all again with great success in the Orkneys accusing all sorts of parents of witchcraft and satanic abuse. There was no need for hard evidence (just a couple of kids who had watched too much late night TV), as our word is always good enough in secret family courts. We took children away in the middle of the night from all over the Orkneys. We only had to release them in the end because of interference from the gutter press. (This one's for you Shan (FASO). A good decent mum).

7. Professor Roy Meadows proved a good decent ally. He and his colleagues have given us literally thousands of babies and children, all put out for adoption thanks to his idiot theory that if a baby is ill or dies it is probably the mother harming it deliberately to gain attention for herself. This way she loses any future babies as soon as they are born. Who cares if his ideas are crazy? The judge only has to think mothers are PROBABLY guilty, so they end up crushed and defeated. No real proof is needed in family courts where the social workers and our "tame expert friends" are always believed no matter what the parents say. It's a doddle!

8. Let me remind you once again. Our job is to to SPLIT FAMILIES UP, not keep them together. To date I can report record numbers of shattered families and plenty more in the pipeline. Remember that the end justifies the means. You might think that parents who go to court weeping to recover their children would convince the judge of their love and sincerity and should usually win. Not on your life! We fight these impertinent purveyors of sentimental claptrap tooth and nail. We always win because purely in the public interest we are very economical with the truth in court and we brainwash the children to say whatever we want on video. (Even easier for us to do this with frightened children than for the Iraquis to tame tough US marines so successfully that they repeated everything they were told to say on video).

There is one point I would also add in light of the current developments over here, is that if you do take a stand and say this is unlawful in the way we are operating, and treat the children in our care, then let it be known that you will be sacked. We will then fabricate evidence against you also and do our best to discredit you very publically.

Thursday, 4 December 2008

On the subject of intimidation

When I started this blog recently, I was warned about being intimidated by a couple of people, which I suppose is a sad indictment of our present 'Government'. However I would like to share a couple of statements with you all so I can perhaps have some feedback on how other people may interpret things another way.

I will not mention who was the messenger, here is the first one, 3 months ago:

And I quote 'you must agree with everything they (social services) say, otherwise you will not get your son back'.

Did I agree? - No, because they have broken the law.

Second time, around a month ago (with a witness):

And I quote 'you must agree with everything they say, otherwise you won't get your son back'

I said 'well I won't agree because they have broken the law and they are in the wrong'.

Reply to my statement was, and again I quote 'well you won't get your son back then'.

Today came a little more flowery version of the same type of thing just disguised in longer sentences with a few added distracting words. No doubt because it was done in writing.

Now this to me outlines the fact in bold that the best interests of my son do not come into play at all. This is a game of chess, they must win at all costs. The cost is my son.

Monday, 1 December 2008

'At least he's got freedom now'

During the weeks that I attempted to work with 'come in No 1 - you're sacked' I must admit she came up with a few classic one liners. 'At least he's got freedom now' she said at the top of my stairs on her way out in front of my mum and aunt who actually couldn't believe what they were hearing.

This comment completely epitomises the differences in how I view a child should be cared for and the views of the social workers I have met to date. Obviously I can only talk about the ones I have met, I am waiting for one that may know the definition of common sense and reasoning and be able to apply it to their working day.

I believe my son should be part of his family, doing the day to day things a family does, trips to the zoo, swimming, the park and beach etc. Yes there are boring bits, but family life is about the mundane side of life as well as fun. I believe children should be taught to look after themselves to a certain extent and by that I mean my 16 year old daughter will occasionally cook a simple dinner, help tidy up, hoover - if they don't get taught things like this and have some sort of responsibilty what hope will they have when they leave home. I have also found out how awful I am in allowing a child to get a bowl of cereal all by themselves at the age of 12 according to come in No 1 you're sacked. I also encourage them to to do their best at school and to be proud of what they achieve how ever small. I have always taught them to be polite and that manners will get them long way in life.

The current living situation is quite honestly wrong for my son. They have placed him with people who spend alot of the time out 'socialising'. Most of the time they do not know where he is, some time he's here but they do not know. I'll explain the background to this situation at a later date, but for now I have expressed my extreme concerns about his safety and well-being whilst in the'care' of these people both verbally and in writing. What I now see is my son turning from a silly little boy into a criminal, all thanks to the social services. Since April he's had more than 30 detentions, been suspended from school, interviewed by police 4 times and we've even had the delight of a trip to the Parish Hall. He's being allowed to roam the streets late at night, once he was seen out at at 01.45am, I've caught him out smoking. He's been drinking alcohol, you name it I think he's probably done it.

I have lost count of the times I have told social workers this and many more things which can be proved - do they care, absolutely not.

I would like to know if it's just us or is it wrong and negligent of people to allow a child to be wondering around the streets in this manner - a trip to the cinema with friends ok - but getting up to no good is very worryingly wrong. I have told the social services that they are not doing a very good job of keeping my son out of harms way. They obviously think they are doing a fantastic job as they will not let him come home. At this rate I ll soon be able to tell you if they have really got rid of the Grand Prix system at Greenfields.

To say I find this frustrating would be an extreme understatement.

'See where uncontrolled freedom takes the child', I have told the SS countless times that he is a child that cannot handle freedom, his behaviour spirals out of control and back in April, I said this along with 'if he's made to stay where he is he will be in Greenfields by Christmas'. Did they listen - no, I'm just his mother what do I know. Actually I know alot more than they do in managing his behaviour.